English Oral assessment on Monday, 17/6, and all other English assessments on Tuesday, 18/6
Week 13:
Week 12
Friday: Today we finished up our origami cranes and played the Blooket from Tuesday (see below). No homework - just maintain healthy study habits for the assessments and remember to take some breaks!
Thursday: Today we learned about origami by reading the story in the OD Student Book p.178-179, and we attempted to make an origami crane, but ended up running out of time 😫 You can check out the tutorial video below if you want, and I will try to finish up with the class in tomorrow's lesson, too.
Tuesday: Today we practiced ALL of the grammar we learned in the third term with a Blooket. I highly recommend that you play this Blooket at home as it will help to drill the ideas into your minds! play.blooket.com/play?hwId=665eb2f8a9245a31bdc5975b
There are some important points to note. You should:
There are some important points to note. You should:
- Make sure you know the difference between adverbs of time and prepositions of time.
- Understand what a comparative is.
- Understand what a superlative is.
- Know how to use quantifiers in sentences and questions.
Monday: Today we did some revision practice by doing the practice reviews in our workbooks (like last week). We did the Unit 15-16 review on p.144-145, and the Unit 17-18 review on p.162-163. Again, please be reminded that this is a good opportunity to see where your child might be struggling, and use it to focus on those things when you prepare for the upcoming assessment.
On p.144-145, the learning points for each section are as follows:
On p.162-163, the learning points for each section are as follows:
Some test-taking skills to focus on would be to search the paper for clues to answers for other questions. Sometimes you can find the answers in other questions! Also, process of elimitation - do the questions that you know, FIRST, and then go back and do the questions that you aren't so sure about.
NO homework tonight - keep working hard!
On p.144-145, the learning points for each section are as follows:
- p.144 (A): vocabulary
- p.145 (B): grammar - comparatives and superlatives
- p.145 (C): answering quesitons
- p.145 (D): grammar - comparatives and superlatives.
On p.162-163, the learning points for each section are as follows:
- p.162 (A): vocabulary
- p.163 (B): grammar - quantifiers
- p.163 (C): answering questions in sentences.
Some test-taking skills to focus on would be to search the paper for clues to answers for other questions. Sometimes you can find the answers in other questions! Also, process of elimitation - do the questions that you know, FIRST, and then go back and do the questions that you aren't so sure about.
NO homework tonight - keep working hard!
Week 11:
Friday: Today we did a practice quiz for Units 13 and 14 (Big Question 7) on WB p.126-127. I gave the class 13 minutes to complete the two pages, and this should give you a better idea what your child can do and what they might need to work on or study more for the assessment. It's absolutely OK to make mistakes here. This is a good assessment of your child's ability, though, and what their strengths and weaknesses might be.
No homework tonight! Raz-Kids deadline is next Wednesday.
No homework tonight! Raz-Kids deadline is next Wednesday.
Thursday: Tuesday was the spelling quiz, so that's what we did on that day, but today, we focused on talking about countable and uncountable nouns to know how to use quantifiers to ask questions. One thing to remember is that most countable nouns will end with 's', while uncountable nouns usually don't end with 's'.
Homework is to complete WB pages 158-159 and hand it in tomorrow.
Homework is to complete WB pages 158-159 and hand it in tomorrow.
Monday: Today we learned about QUANTIFIERS and how they are used with countable and uncountable nouns. The quantifiers we learned about today are:
Homework is to complete WB p.150-151 and hand it in tomorrow. SW (8) is also tomorrow - don't forget!
- is some: There is some water in my bottle.
- are some: There are some apples in my bag.
- is a little: There is a little dirt in my shoe.
- are a few: There are a few books in my bag.
- are a lot of: There are a lot of apples on my tree.
- is a lot of: There is a lot of sugar in the soda.
- isn't any: There isn't any rice in my bowl.
- aren't any: There aren't any coins in my pocket.
Homework is to complete WB p.150-151 and hand it in tomorrow. SW (8) is also tomorrow - don't forget!
Week 10:
Friday: Reader Quiz today so not much going on in the lesson.
Please rememeber to do your SWL and hand it in on MONDAY. Please also go through units 13-18 in your OD WB and make sure you have done all of your corrections. Spelling Quiz is on TUESDAY.
Please rememeber to do your SWL and hand it in on MONDAY. Please also go through units 13-18 in your OD WB and make sure you have done all of your corrections. Spelling Quiz is on TUESDAY.
Thursday: In today's lesson, we read the passage from the Student Book on p.170 and 171 and talked about shapes in art. Then, we read the passage from the WB on p.148 and learned how to draw a dinosaur using shapes.
Homework tonight is WB p.148-149. Please hand it in tomorrow. I also assigned the SWL to be done over the weekend and handed in on MONDAY. Spelling Quiz is next TUESDAY. Finally, tomorrow is the Reader Quiz - please make sure you are prepared and you bring your reader tomorrow.
Homework tonight is WB p.148-149. Please hand it in tomorrow. I also assigned the SWL to be done over the weekend and handed in on MONDAY. Spelling Quiz is next TUESDAY. Finally, tomorrow is the Reader Quiz - please make sure you are prepared and you bring your reader tomorrow.
Tuesday: Today we learned the rest of the vocabulary from the new Big Question (Student Book p.176) and played some games to revise the words. I also reminded the class that sculptures are NOT all made from wood nor are they all big. Have a look at the youtube video below!
Remember that the Reader Quiz is this FRIDAY, so please make sure you return your reader on that day.
Homework tonight i to complete WB pages 154-155 and hand it in tomorrow.
Remember that the Reader Quiz is this FRIDAY, so please make sure you return your reader on that day.
Homework tonight i to complete WB pages 154-155 and hand it in tomorrow.
Monday: Today we had a great discussion about the new big question: How do we make art? We worked on the Big Question Chart, and we learned the new vocabulary from Unit 17. Art can be many different things! I love to do photography - that's also a kind of art. You can see my photography here if you like: www.instagram.com/leigh.andre/
Homework is to complete the first two columns in the new Big Question Chart, and also finish WB pages 146-147. Next week is our last Spelling Quiz as well, so please make sure you're ready for it! I'll assign the SWL later in the week.
Homework is to complete the first two columns in the new Big Question Chart, and also finish WB pages 146-147. Next week is our last Spelling Quiz as well, so please make sure you're ready for it! I'll assign the SWL later in the week.
Week 8:
Friday: Today we relaxed and played a Blooket about comparatives and superlatives. You can click the link here and play yourselves: play.blooket.com/play?hwId=663d82c1db12fa3f563f8581
Homework over the holiday is to work on your Raz Kids assignment. Also remember that we have a Reader Quiz the Friday we come back (24/5). Enjoy your Term Break!!!
Homework over the holiday is to work on your Raz Kids assignment. Also remember that we have a Reader Quiz the Friday we come back (24/5). Enjoy your Term Break!!!
Tuesday: Spelling Quiz today!
Homework is to correct and sign it and hand it in tomorrow.
Homework is to correct and sign it and hand it in tomorrow.
Monday: Today, we went over the vocabulary on SB p.136 again and completed WB pages 136-137 together in class. Then, we learned about SUPERLATIVES.
Superlatives are a way of describing something when you want to say it's the most or the best at something.
Let's say you have three friends named Sarah, Kate, and Emma. If you want to say that Sarah is the tallest among them, you would use a superlative. You could say, "Sarah is the tallest." That means she is the one who is the highest up and can reach the highest things.
Or let's say you have three toy cars of different colors: red, blue, and green. If you want to say that the blue car is the fastest, you would use a superlative. You could say, "The blue car is the fastest." That means it can go really, really fast, even faster than the red and green cars.
Superlatives help us compare things and say which one is the most or the best at something. It's like giving a special award to the thing that is the most special or the best in a certain way.
Homework is to complete WB p.140-141 and hand it in TOMORROW. Also, don't forget that we have a spelling quiz tomorrow, too!
Superlatives are a way of describing something when you want to say it's the most or the best at something.
Let's say you have three friends named Sarah, Kate, and Emma. If you want to say that Sarah is the tallest among them, you would use a superlative. You could say, "Sarah is the tallest." That means she is the one who is the highest up and can reach the highest things.
Or let's say you have three toy cars of different colors: red, blue, and green. If you want to say that the blue car is the fastest, you would use a superlative. You could say, "The blue car is the fastest." That means it can go really, really fast, even faster than the red and green cars.
Superlatives help us compare things and say which one is the most or the best at something. It's like giving a special award to the thing that is the most special or the best in a certain way.
Homework is to complete WB p.140-141 and hand it in TOMORROW. Also, don't forget that we have a spelling quiz tomorrow, too!
Week 7:
On Thursday, we simply played a spelling game to prepare for next Tuesday's Spelling Quiz.
On Friday, we read about forces and had a good discussion about small and big forces and things that we push and pull.
Homework is to complete your SWL and hand it in on Monday. Spelling Quiz is on Tuesday!
On Friday, we read about forces and had a good discussion about small and big forces and things that we push and pull.
Homework is to complete your SWL and hand it in on Monday. Spelling Quiz is on Tuesday!
Tuesday: Today we did our corrections for last night's homework and then played a game about comparatives.
I handed out a writing competition worksheet - it's Raz-Kids themed, and it is optional. There was a notice that went out about it last week. Please join if you like, but no pressure if you are busy!
Homework is to complete the SWL (7) and hand it in on MONDAY. Remember, there is a Spelling Quiz on Tuesday, 7/5.
I handed out a writing competition worksheet - it's Raz-Kids themed, and it is optional. There was a notice that went out about it last week. Please join if you like, but no pressure if you are busy!
Homework is to complete the SWL (7) and hand it in on MONDAY. Remember, there is a Spelling Quiz on Tuesday, 7/5.
Monday: Today we learned all about COMPARATIVES. We started off by playing a Bamboozled game about comparatives. You can play it here: www.baamboozle.com/game/1404681
- Comparatives are used to compare two or more things.
- To compare means to look at two or more things ans see how they are similar or different.
- Comparatives are usually used in this way: The elephant is bigger than the mouse. "__________er than"
- Sometimes we cannot use "__________er than" so we need to say: The elephant is more dangerous than the mouse.
Week 6:
Thursday: In today's lesson, we discussed FORCES and the kind of forces we need to move things.
Homework is to complete WB pages 130 and 131 and hand it in tomorrow. We've already done most in class today, so it should be easy!
- We need a BIG force to move HEAVY things.
- We need a SMALL force to move LIGHT things.
Homework is to complete WB pages 130 and 131 and hand it in tomorrow. We've already done most in class today, so it should be easy!
Tuesday: Today we reviewed the vocabulary from Units 15 and 16 and we played games to practice. We also went over the homework in class, so you should be able to do it no problem. You can have a look at the vocabulary words below to practice on your own at home.
Homework is WB p.128 and 129. Please hand it in tomorrow.
Homework is WB p.128 and 129. Please hand it in tomorrow.
Monday: In today's lesson, we started a new Big Question: What makes things move?
We had a great discussion about how things move and we brainstormed a lot of ideas. I tried to find the Chinese word(s) for GRAVITY, but the class said Google Translate was wrong - bonus points to anyone who can share the correct translation in class tomorrow :)
Have a look at the pictures below, and make sure you fil out the two parts of the Big Question chart - What do you know, and what do you want to know?
Homework is to complete the first two columns of the Big Question Chart and hand it in tomorrow.
We had a great discussion about how things move and we brainstormed a lot of ideas. I tried to find the Chinese word(s) for GRAVITY, but the class said Google Translate was wrong - bonus points to anyone who can share the correct translation in class tomorrow :)
Have a look at the pictures below, and make sure you fil out the two parts of the Big Question chart - What do you know, and what do you want to know?
Homework is to complete the first two columns of the Big Question Chart and hand it in tomorrow.
Week 5:
Friday: Today we worked on our project - a "How does music make us feel?" book. We brainstormed words to use in our booklet, and we got started on it after folding and cutting. You can download the PDF file of the booklet below if you need another copy.
Homework is to complete the booklet and hand it in on Monday.
Homework is to complete the booklet and hand it in on Monday.

how_does_music_make_us_feel_booklet.pdf | |
File Size: | 148 kb |
File Type: |
Thursday: In Tuesday's lesson we had our Spelling Quiz, and today, we wrapped up the Big Queston by completing the big question chart and answering the inal question - What did we learn? Here were the responses:
- Fast music makes us feel excited, or scared, or ANYTHING!
- Music makes different people feel different things.
- There are no right or wrong feelings about music.
- Some music is high and some music is low. Some music is is fast and some music is slow.
- Music can help us do our work.
- Music can help us calm down.
- Music can make us wake up.
Monday: In today's lesson we learned more about adverbs of time - specifically asking questions using 'When'. For example: When did you watch TV? I watched TV last night. The adverb of time here is last night. We played a game to practice making questions for adverbs of time, and then we finished by playing a little game to practice the spelling words for tomorrow's spelling quiz.
Homework tonight is to complete WB pages 122-123, and remember to study for the spelling quiz tomorrow!
www.baamboozle.com/game/2257369 <- today's Spelling Game practice :)
Homework tonight is to complete WB pages 122-123, and remember to study for the spelling quiz tomorrow!
www.baamboozle.com/game/2257369 <- today's Spelling Game practice :)
Week 4:
Thursday: Today we learned the new vocabulary in Unit 14 and played a Blooket to revise for next week's Spelling Quiz. If you want to play the Blooket at home yourself, you can access it here: play.blooket.com/play?hwId=6617857910f81dc2194dca19
Homework is to complete WB pages 118-119 and hand it in tomorrow. I also assigned the SWL for SQ (6) and you need to hand that in on MONDAY.
Homework is to complete WB pages 118-119 and hand it in tomorrow. I also assigned the SWL for SQ (6) and you need to hand that in on MONDAY.
Tuesday: Today we learned about prepositions of time. We use preopoositions of time when we are talking about time, days, and months. That means in, at, on. For example:
Remember - Spelling Quiz is next TUESDAY.
I will assign the SWL for homework over the weekend. You can start to do it earlier if you like!
- In the [morning, afternoon, evening].
- At [a time such as 4:00]. At [night].
- On [a day such as Monday].
Remember - Spelling Quiz is next TUESDAY.
I will assign the SWL for homework over the weekend. You can start to do it earlier if you like!
Week 2:
Today we worked on the Big Question chart and had a great discussion about the big question: How does music make us feel? We talked about what we know and what we want to know, and then we listened to some cool songs!
Homework is to complete the first two boxes in the Big Question chart and hand it in tomorrow.
Homework is to complete the first two boxes in the Big Question chart and hand it in tomorrow.
Week 1:
Thursday and Friday: On Thursday, we had a discussion about the new big question - How does music make us feel? I played some songs for them and we talked about how the songs made us feel. I even started to tear up at one of the songs - Happier 😪 You can re-watch the videos below and talk with your child about how they feel after listening to the songs.
On Friday, we learned the new vocabulary from U.13 and talked more about different instruments and who plays what in our class.
Homework for the weekend is to complete WB p.110-111 and hand it in on Monday.
One more thing I'd like to point out is the slight change in the third term Raz-Kids assignment. A message went out to the 2A parent group explaining what's going on. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Have a great weekend everybody!
On Friday, we learned the new vocabulary from U.13 and talked more about different instruments and who plays what in our class.
Homework for the weekend is to complete WB p.110-111 and hand it in on Monday.
One more thing I'd like to point out is the slight change in the third term Raz-Kids assignment. A message went out to the 2A parent group explaining what's going on. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Have a great weekend everybody!