Weeks 11-14: More Canva!
These past few weeks we have been continuing our journey on Canva and I must say that everyone is doing a wonderful job! We learned how to search for templates and edit them. We also learned how to make cards from a blank template, and we made Lunar New Year cards and Valentines cards. And in the last two weeks, we've been learning how to edit images using techniques such as background remover and adding artistic filters to photos.
Canva is a very useful tool that has so many applications that are useful in our daily lives. I highly encourage everyone to spend more time praticing Canva at home, and if mom and dad need any graphics created, go ahead and ask your child to help. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
Canva is a very useful tool that has so many applications that are useful in our daily lives. I highly encourage everyone to spend more time praticing Canva at home, and if mom and dad need any graphics created, go ahead and ask your child to help. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
Weeks 8+9: Canva and Text to Image
These past couple weeks we've been learning Canva - how to make presentations on Canva, and how to use some of the apps inside Canva like Text to Image. You can continue to practice at home in your spare time and play around with Text to Image and see if you can make anything cool!
Here's the link to the Canva Blooket that I created. Just be aware that you'll need to use your email to set up an account and sign into Blooket. Have a go if you want to practice your Canva knowledge!
Here's the link to the Canva Blooket that I created. Just be aware that you'll need to use your email to set up an account and sign into Blooket. Have a go if you want to practice your Canva knowledge!
**Important message for new students**
If you are new to GT, you should have been given a sticker to stick in your General Information handbook that has your school email address ([email protected]) and password. Please sign in to Gmail using this email address and password. You will have an email from me inviting you to join Google Classroom. Please accept the invitation. For a recap of how we did this before and instructions on how to do it, please click this link and scroll down to "Week 5": www.andreleigh.com/term1te.html
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email at: [email protected]
Thanks and nice to meet you!!!
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email at: [email protected]
Thanks and nice to meet you!!!
Week 5: Happy Holidays Blooket!
Here's wishing everybody a happy Christmas holiday! A Christmas Blooket for you: play.blooket.com/solo?id=63a00b83aba6c7c54ed76b65
Week 4: Canva!
This week, we signed up to Canva and got started playing around with it. I asked the class to search "Christmas Card" in the templates and then play around with adding text and elemnents. Everybodt did a fantastic job! If you're still a bit confused about how to use Canva, then have a look at the presentation I made (on Canva) www.canva.com/design/DAFUx2bUrnI/HufmBV_gGW_OxJheRETcNQ/view?utm_content=DAFUx2bUrnI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
And finally, remember that when you sign in to Canva at home, you should use your school email and password - you can also download the app on for mobile or a tablet.
Happy holidays to everybody and see you next year!!!
And finally, remember that when you sign in to Canva at home, you should use your school email and password - you can also download the app on for mobile or a tablet.
Happy holidays to everybody and see you next year!!!
Week 2: Still working on Google Slides
This week we went back to the computer room and continued working on our Google Slides. I'm happy to see that students can log in and start thrie work quite quickly now - which is an important part of computer proficiency! Next week we will stay in the classroom and discuss techniques that we have used for making our slide shows, and I will also share some other tips and tricks that can be used when I assign the homework next week. This week, however, there is no homework, but if you like, you can keep working on your Google Slide at home :)
Week 1: Working on our "Favorite Thing" Google Slide
This week we continued working on our Google Slides presentation about our favorite things. We will continue doing the same next week in the computer room, so please make sure that you have either memorized or written down your password to your Google account, otherwise you won't be able to log-in and work on your assignment. We will keep doing this for one more lesson, and then I will assign it for homework and ask you to complete it after next week.